Gambar Design lemari buku ini penulis gambar melalui media soft
ware Auto CAD 2007,3 DSMAX versi 2011
Friday, December 27, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
screw jack by dian pramesti
Is the jack screw jack screw system to raise or lower the donkrak . At this screw jack , to raise or lower the screw jack rotating Screw enough . By turning a threaded pinion gear will rotate gears umbrella , round umbrella gears will rotate grooved tube , then rotate the threaded rod which in turn rotate the screw jack to move up or down in accordance with the minimum and maximun limit of the specification screw jack itself.
Working drawings screw jack

Figure threaded assemblies screw jack
Number section - the main part of the screw jack
1 . framework
2 . anvil
3 . grooved tubes
4 . threaded rod
5 . threaded tube
6 . Umbrella gear
7 . pinion gear
8 . connection
11 . bracelet steel ball bearings and axial
16 . pivot player
17 . holder
18 . arm holder
To move up and down As well there should be a round jack , such as tightening or loosening a bolt, then the holder and the handle holder is required to rotate the screw jack .
Generally the tip forming question mark " ? " , For screw hook into the player , while the other end is more like a letter " Z " or " L " , to facilitate turning the jack .
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Streamlined 3D data delivery cuts costs, saves time
With plants and distribution centres in Auckland
and Sydney and the capacity to produce over
700,000 pieces of furniture per year, Criterion
Group Ltd is the largest manufacturer of ready-toassemble
furniture in Australasia. An innovative
design team, state-of-the-art technology and over
40 years’ experience in the furniture industry
enable the company to produce cutting-edge
designs that are excellent value, functional, easy to
assemble and look great. With design playing such
a crucial role in the company’s business, fi nding
ways to streamline the sharing and processing
of 3D designs across varied operations is critical.
Autodesk worked with Criterion to implement
a new Autodesk Inventor Series platform that
allowed the furniture expert to do just this,
producing savings in time and cost.
Constant upgrades keep Criterion at the cutting
Criterion’s aim is to design and produce furniture
that makes homes and offi ces more attractive and
functional. The company’s success is based on a
design philosophy that adapts the latest trends in
furniture style and functionality to meet specifi c
customer needs. With its strong emphasis on
design, it is key for the company to continually
invest in the latest technologies and most
sophisticated equipment.
Integration of 3D design data was a no-go
A recent improvement that the company wanted
to make was to integrate its 3D design data with
the various types of machinery and CAM packages
it uses. However, many woodworking machines
and their related CAM solutions do not allow the
direct import of 3D data. Criterion was therefore
forced to manually create a special data fi le for
each machine or system, a process that takes
around 30 minutes.
In addition, Criterion had recently purchased an
advanced, high-productivity drilling line, which
required that design data be imported in a very
unique way. Furthermore, production machinery
was becoming increasingly computer-controlled.
Criterion recognised that if the import of 3D data
to machinery and systems could be streamlined, it
would save both time and costs.
New Inventor platform supports 3D data batch
Criterion’s relationship with Autodesk dates back
to the early 1980s — the company was one of the
very fi rst users of AutoCAD in New Zealand. Not
surprisingly then, Criterion approached its longtime
partner Autodesk with its problem, and after
discussion with the reseller — CADPro Systems Ltd
— a brief was developed.
Criterion wanted to leverage the highly intelligent
3D design data from Autodesk Inventor Series and
feed that information directly into the controller
for the new drilling line. Autodesk’s Professional
Services (APS) Team worked together with
Criterion’s engineers to scope out the desired
solution. APS delivered customised code to extend
the capabilities of Inventor and allow a simple
interface to export the data directly into the new
drilling line in the correct fashion.
This new integrated engineering process means
that a task that once took 30 minutes to complete
now takes less than fi ve minutes.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Drawing a building in accordance with what we expect is not an easy thing. From planning, to interior and exterior models we may need a lot of time and consideration to complete. But one thing that is not less important in making drawings of the building must not be separated from the unit unit. Because this unit unit would you use to adjust the size of the system in the image of a building that have previously been planned.
We can control the type of notation units we need.
AutoCAD on the state of wear standard decimal notation in
determine the coordinates, distances, and angles. However, the choice
Other notations are also available.
steps for setting unit unit is:
1. Open autocad then> new file (Ctrl N)
2. Type DDUNITS units or on the command line to run the command, then press enter so that units Drawing dialog box appears.
3. Make sure the Length group, we choose to type Decimal and precision we pilih0.00.
4. At Angel group, we choose to type the decimal precision Degrees and 0.
5. For Clockwise left blank.
6. For Insertion scale we choose units milimeters.
Well after all the settings are finished and then we select ok to close the dialog box. Thus we have succeeded in setting up units Units that will be used for system sizes in our drawing.
1. Length - Type, allowing us to determine or select the unit system that we use.
2. Precision, the level of precision of our chosen unit can be determined by pressing the arrow in the lower precision.
3. Angle - Type, to determine the precise level of the system and have the same way with Length - Type.
4. Direction, to determine the direction of the corner. In AutoCAD used "counter clockwise" or berlawananarah clockwork.
5. Can we assume the value of the unit by kebutukan kita.Contoh: 1 units can be considered as 1 meter or 1 cm or 1 inch, and so on. This relates to the international standards used reference pencetakan.Dalam 1 unit = 1 mm. We can control the type of notation units we need. AutoCAD on the state of wear standard decimal notation dalammenentukan coordinates, distance, and
angle. However, another notation options available as well.
Friday, December 13, 2013
tips Relaksasi Selama Masa Kehamilan
Tips dari Zwitsal:
Nikmati waktu sendiri! Olahraga selama masa kehamilan bagus untuk Bunda
dan untuk bayi dalam kandungan: si Kecil memperoleh makanan yang cukup
dari peredaran darah Bunda yang lancar dan baik. Jadi usahakan sebanyak mungkin
berjalan-jalan di udara terbuka. Berenang adalah olahraga yang baik. Hindari
olahraga yang rentan guncangan, seperti lari/jogging atau berkuda.
Perhatikan postur tubuh. Berjalan atau berdiri dengan punggung
membungkuk akan menimbulkan sakit punggung. Jangan memakai sepatu berhak
tinggi, jangan meregang lutut terlalu sering dan jangan melakukan gerakan
tiba-tiba selama masa kehamilan.
Ikuti kegiatan senam hamil, yoga dan renang. Ini sehat dan membuat nyaman.
Bunda bisa belajar santai dan semua persiapan melahirkan dengan tenang.
Bersantai dan tidur sejenak jika menginginkannya. Postur tidur yang baik
adalah tidur dengan posisi menyamping/miring, dengan lutut sisi atas menekuk.
Letakkan bantal untuk menyangga perut dan lutut yang ditekuk.
Manjakan diri, makan di luar rumah atau pergi ke salon/spa. Jika pergi
liburan: pergi menggunakan pesawat terbang dapat dilakukan hingga kandungan
berusia 7 bulan. Beri diri sendiri sedikit kemewahan dan nikmati masa
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
HAND DRILL by Budi Maryanto
Hand drill is one of the machining tooling equipment that serves to make a hole in the workpiece. Hand drill used for working objects of material soft material, not the material used for hard materials.
Drill hand image
In figure authors draw a hand drill in AUTO CAD 2007, then rendered in 3dsmax 2011 version, with the aim of getting the finest detail.
In figure authors use a hand drill two pinion gear, ring gear and one with a handle connected to the hand.
One piece pinion gear serves to clamp the drill bit holder, which is only to balance the round. Both pinion gear connected to the ring gear on the handle to rotate the holder rigged clamp the drill bit.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Eletronis computer usage at this point has been reached at any stage of the application of the field of engineering . The application fields of engineering is a field that is fixed and changed along with the development of the computer itself .
The incorporation of computers into the design process to the manufacture of prototype example has changed the old way , ie by means of the manual . Method for making a good picture it working drawings and 3-dimensional image with a computer -assisted or in other words the system CAD ( Computer Aided Design ) has provided a very significant role in the world of engineering .
The image of science with computer aids is a very broad field , these fields include the manufacture and use of the pictures are computer generated and may include photography , trade , cartography , animation , publishing , as well as the making drawings and plans
Computer image consisting of a monitor , keyboard , central processing, unit ( CPU )
A complete computer system comprising:
1 . hard Ware
2 . Soft Ware
3 . Brain Ware
The various parts that make up the physical equipment of computer system known as the Hardware
Program and work orders that allow a computer system to operate in classified as Software . Program categorized as computer - program application programs (application progams ) and operating system (operating system ) . Operating systems such as DOS , Windows , Linux and UNIX is a collection of commands that control the operation of computer systems and auxiliary equipment , as well as the implementation of programs - programs that are specialized .
Program applications is a link between the use of programs - programs that are specialized and their associated tasks , such as creating a plan drawing , desktop publishing and other common systems programs .
The CAD system users have received training on how to use a CAD system to produce images also called Brain Ware
The selection of the hardware to support the CAD system in its task of drawing is very necessary . This is done , to get maximum results , because a lot of users who use AUTO AUTO CAD CAD to draw 3 -dimensional objects , but to show the real picture detail approaches using 3 DSMAX application program to render up to thousands of frames .
The author has tried , with the draw bolt nut size M 12 X 1.5 in the 3 -dimensional shape in AUTO CAD 2007, because the rendering limit in AUTO CAD 2006 only up to 100 frames , the author tries to picture the size of the bolt nut M 12 x 1.5 in the 3 -dimensional shape is rendered in 3 DSMAX version 7 , with a total of 2500 frames frames , with a low level of computer time allocation is needed in the process of rendering 5 hours . Too long to get a satisfaction
The author recommends to use a mid-level computer programs to AUTO CAD 2007 with the way rendering is done on the program 3 DSMAX version 7 , with processors from INTEL and AMD .
Table Specifications intermediate level computer to AUTO CAD 2007 with rendering using 3 DSMAX version 7 with processors from INTEL and AMD
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