Thursday, May 30, 2013
PICTURE GUIDE Feeder by BUDI Maryanto, ST
Picture guiding feeder, in images using AUTO CAD software, and the addition of ferrous materials using the AUTO CAD rendering
AUTO CAD software produces all terms of the basic elements of drawing (geometry) are common in image reproduction. But even the basic elements of drawing general nature and procedures (procedures) implementation of the construction is the same, every software program will differ in its operational procedures especially on the elementary level in the command structure
There are three important features of AUTO CAD software at all. You can achieve these features interactively through the basic commands and menu options.
Three important features of AUTO CAD software, is:
1. The commands to build the basic elements of drawing (basic geometry construction)
2. Functions to control the view or projection in the image
3. Changes to the image or editing a wide variety of
All commands in the menu AUTO CAD can be selected in two (2) basic ways, namely:
1. By typing commands by using the keyboard,
2. By pressing the button on the menu AUTO CAD by using the mouse
AUTO CAD command text window, which is used to draw a box using polar coordinates
Use Cartesian coordinates in AUTO CAD drawing can be done with a keyboard and mouse, whereas in polar coordinates can only be done using the keyboard. We can use the keyboard and mouse in issuing orders and make choices. Sequence of commands in AUTO CAD election called hierarchical command structure to facilitate the operation of AUTO CAD commands. All sequences in the CAD commands are stored in the AUTOCAD text window, in which to issue this command just by pressing F2 on the keyboard
Thursday, May 23, 2013
CAD SYSTEM LAYOUT by Budi Maryanto, ST
All CAD systems consist of hardware in the form of data input, the central implementation units, data storage devices and equipment results (output). For data input equipment CAD systems have more than one piece of equipment as follows:
1. The keyboard, which is a hardware keyboard, that functions to enter data or write commands through
the command line in a CAD system.
2. Mouse, the pointing device. Several other tools are touchpad pointing device or track ball. This tool
will be very helpful if we use a lot of work, especially graphics mode using CAD systems. By using our
mouse will easily glide the mouse to draw a line in the CAD system and clicking rather than moving the
cursor with the mouse keyboard.Dinamakan because of its small and has a tail (cable to the computer)
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) hardware That is actually doing all the calculations are done by
komputer.Bagian consists of Arithmethic And Logical Unit (ALU) which functions to perform
arithmetic and logic operations. Setting calculation, where the precedence portion and which part is
delayed by Controller Unit, as well as processing, retrieval and transmission of data
4. Plotter, ie hardware whose function is to print the image - the image produced by the CAD system
Friday, May 10, 2013
TOLERANCE IS: two limits on permitted deviations on each element's size, according to ISO 1829 - 1975
The formula for calculating the tolerance on the hole:
Basic size + tolerance = tolerance value
(in units of micrometers)
writing sample hole tolerance
example Problem
Size 25 H7, then what the actual size?
Then: the upper limit of tolerance for
Tolerance value = 25 + 0.021 = 25.021
: tolerance value for the lower limit
Tolerance value = 25 + 0 + 25
Note: The value of 0.021 and 0 obtained from the conversion of the table)
Hole tolerance chart image, for each measure was divided in 1000
To draw a tolerance table above using AUTO CAD is to use the command
1. Line to produce a horizontal straight lines and perpendicular
2. Offset to double the horizontal and a straight line perpendicular to a certain size
3. Trim to cut unnecessary lines
4. Dtext to write letters and numbers with a certain size and slope
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Which should be considered in the selection process is the CAD system is needed to determine whether CAD systems. Prospective users of CAD systems that have the potential for use should confer to determine how, when, where, how many CAD systems that will be used and whether the CAD system will work effectively and efficiently in terms of cost and operation.
AUTO CAD drawings, rotating ladder design model, using techniques align, copy and paste
Do not buy a system just because it thinks the first step towards the future by projecting an image forward. It is essential to investigate and make cost savings of CAD systems maker by contacting the CAD system users in its operations. Contact as many of the users of CAD systems, especially for those who experienced extensive. Prepare a short list of questions regarding the CAD system on cost, length of practice, the operating system, then check the answers to your questions and compare with your specific requirements. This information will determine the needs for your CAD system.
No doubt, you will hear a lot of statements about the productivity of the CAD system. Productivity CAD system however will depend on the technical operations. The first company to introduce and use a CAD system is the maker of electronic equipment. They get the experts in the field of equipment electronic images always draw a lot of symbols and also hardware standards using certain symbols. It is much less effective and efficient in drawing. A lot of time is wasted, because drawing all things that have been drawn. You can be sure that the CAD system will save 50 percent of the time making the picture than the use of the system biasa.Perlu note that only CAD system requires drawing once, although at the outset may take a long time rather than drawing on the drawing board. But after that, you just need to call the information in the data storage, and the system will do the CAD drawing with a very high speed. In this section a very clear advantage CAD system.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
AUTO CAD computer usage By, BUDI Maryanto, ST
Use of electronic computer at this point has been completely understandable almost at every stage of engineering, science, commerce, and industry, computers. Computers have changed the accounting procedures and manufacture of products, as well as with the application of the field of computer teknik.Penggabungan into product creation process of a plan to make an example (prototype), production and marketing, in today's almost all done with computerization.
The application of engineering in particular is an area that will continue to change as new theories and practices that are more sophisticated berkembang.Peralatan continuously developed and perfected constantly using a computer-based CAD.
CAD-based computer has become an indispensable tool because it is effective and efficient for solving problems in the planning problems of working drawings and pictures samples (prototypes).
Sample images piston, drawn with AUTO CAD application program
New methods for analysis, plan development, creation of engineering drawings with AUTO CAD, engineering problem solving and the development of new concepts in science automation is one example of the effect of the implementation of computers and industrial engineering.
CAD software offers capabilities - basic skills, which are needed to produce the image documents. Here are some of the things the author, which became the basis of the ability of CAD.
AUTO CAD drawing application programs, with the make command line rectangular
1.Ability to Draw construction lines in each room that fits through any point, at any angle and produces
a straight line, tangent to one or more arches
2. The ability to draw any type of line, such lines appear, central line, an invisible line or the line of pieces
3. The ability to draw circles and arches using a variety of sizes, with the size of the specified data entry.
4. The ability to make a cross on the line within the limits specified
5. The ability to create a scale or set a new scale in a variety of objects in images from a document
6. Ability to count or make a list of data with appropriate graphical construction, such as the distance of
an object image, or the corners with precision.
7. The ability to produce a collection of elements forms the basis for publishing or copying images
8. The ability to move elements of the image to each new position. Repair or replace the extras in a saved
9. The ability to examine all or remove portions lines, curved lines or any form of the basic elements of
an image. Fixing dimensions
10. The ability to create a shadow glass or produce symmetrical forms
11. The ability to provide a composite measure or base unit
12. The ability to create an image with a record label and making the title box and a list of materials
13. The ability to store all images or parts of images to use in other documents and in other formats.
14. The ability to create three-dimensional images of the projected image in three directions
15. The ability to generate orthografis projection of a three-dimensional model of the image
16. The ability to take and use images that have been saved.
However, the software programmers (software) is fixed and increase the ability of the software (software) CAD.Misalnya, many new program offering three-dimensional capabilities with highly sophisticated, on the operating system window.
Hopefully this can be useful for anyone, who wants to install a CAD system, with respect to the basis of the ability-Traffic CAD system
Saturday, May 4, 2013
object to the term of art is, the use of a single CAD data base that is used to plan, create documents, analyze, create shapes. The term of art to objects sometimes used to describe the CAD data base, which is used for various purposes or for the overall purpose
Initial ideas for the plan frequently in sketches by hand on a paper drawing, which aims to issue creative ideas for rencana.Sangat important to do a sketch with hand done quickly without having to use the program help using AUTO CAD.Kemampuan sketch is one of the best tools to assist this process.
After menyeleseikan initial ideas. The best step is the development of design plans at this stage selanjutnya.Pada stage, an engineer will make an image in three dimensions (3D) using a coarse AUTO CAD program for parametric modeling. Parametric modeling using factor does not remain to impose a form of three-dimensional (3D). By using parametric models planners prepare a preliminary sketch and then provide size and restrictions drawings to create model were reasonable. Then the author of the plan to change the dimensions and such restrictions while refining the plan so that the new model does not have to be created on any change of plans. The images of three-dimensional (3D) which is derived through AUTO CAD program can help planners to visualize plans
While completing ideas about the plan, the engineers often work closely with the manufacture of parts to determine the best way to build and install parts (part) which perlu.Setelah several cycles of improvement, analysis and synthesize the best ideas, the result images generated by AUTO CAD, ready to be produced. Working system that allows rapid prototyping parts directly from the model immediately made a three-dimensional (3D) generated by AUTO CAD,
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