TOLERANCE IS: two limits on permitted deviations on each element's size, according to ISO 1829 - 1975
The formula for calculating the tolerance on the hole:
Basic size + tolerance = tolerance value
(in units of micrometers)
writing sample hole tolerance
example Problem
Size 25 H7, then what the actual size?
Then: the upper limit of tolerance for
Tolerance value = 25 + 0.021 = 25.021
: tolerance value for the lower limit
Tolerance value = 25 + 0 + 25
Note: The value of 0.021 and 0 obtained from the conversion of the table)

Hole tolerance chart image, for each measure was divided in 1000
To draw a tolerance table above using AUTO CAD is to use the command
1. Line to produce a horizontal straight lines and perpendicular
2. Offset to double the horizontal and a straight line perpendicular to a certain size
3. Trim to cut unnecessary lines
4. Dtext to write letters and numbers with a certain size and slope
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