Monday, September 23, 2013

Initial setting ON USE AUTOCAD program BY : Budi MARYANTO,ST

Initial setting when we draw it using AUTO CAD is a very important thing . By doing initial settings will affect the efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks AUTO CAD drawing program . With a good initial setting will be able to increase productivity in the drawing .

In my opinion and my views are based on experience in using the program AUTO CAD for engineering drawing . The definition of the initial setting is what we should do in preparation for when we start drawing techniques using the program AUTO CAD engine . There are five ( 5 ) initial setting that I often do :
 The initial setting include :

a. Setting the work area display AUTO CAD program , by default work area is black AUTO CAD program , then we should change it to be my favorite color . That way I can be more comfortable in work using AUTO CAD program

 Picture a place to display setting on AUTO CAD work area

b . Layout settings tool bar fly , by setting layout tool bar kite properly can save time , when I operate the program AUTO CAD . The trick is to select the tool bar kite that we often use , to the tool bar kite that has been used , I would suggest to put the right of the work area AUTO CAD program . This is due to the mouse position to the right of the tool bar near the overpass that has been used . It's for those who are right-handed , left-handed if that could be done instead

c . LIMITS set ; Limits are limits workspace image on AUTO CAD program stated in 1 unit . 1 This unit can represent 1 mm , as well as to the other units of length

d . Creating Layers ; makes layers aimed at managing and controlling image in an image with AUTO CAD program . With the management and control layers are good and true , we can enable and disable images in AUTO CAD program . This will help us in preparing systematic picture in AUTO CAD program

Picture examples of the use of AUTO LIST Program , the Program AUTO CAD , for the number of arithmetic multiplication

e . Preparing pengguanaan LIST AUTO program for arithmetic calculations , in order to access to the program in AUTO CAD . With the help of AUTO LIST program will be very helpful when I was dealing with calculations on the working drawings , which can be accessed LIST AUTO program in AUTO CAD program so I can call through the command window in AUTO CAD program . From the command window here I am doing arithmetic operations , namely multiplication , division , subtraction and addition

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