Saturday, September 14, 2013


Surface roughness is basically a field experiencing workpiece machining process that aims to form a desired shape. For each workpiece machining experience will be undertaken with the engine operation will leave a mark certain roughness, such as smooth, rough, or shiny. Engine operation on the workpiece surface will determine the state of the surface at a certain level. For states in the field of surface roughness of the workpiece according to ISO 1302 - 1978, in conjunction with the stated level of surface roughness symbol of the letter N followed by a number of the most delicate to the number twelve of the most rugged. To determine the level of surface roughness on the working drawings are drawn with AUTO CAD or manual, it is necessary to consider the operation of the machine which used to form the workpiece. The table below stated levels of surface roughness is expressed with the symbol of the letter N followed by a number of the most delicate to the number twelve of the most rugged machine followed by surgery.
By reading the table it can be determined with a surface roughness levels accompanying engine operation. So that planners can determine the value of a product selling goods, both finished and semi-finished goods.

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