Monday, September 30, 2013


OFFSET command is one of the Modify command in AUTO CAD . This command is used to create an image with a line or an object parallel to a predetermined size . In engineering drawing , especially in drawing working drawings OFFSET command is usually used to create a line parallel to the axis , either X axis ( horizontal axis ) or the Y axis ( vertical axis ) of a certain size in accordance with the image area in created.

This is due to the OFFSET command line for the manufacture of working drawings on both sides of the image plane parallel work can be made more effective and efficient when compared to using the command line to create a line .
Ways to do OFFSET command is :
1 .   For example, the command line for line with the size of 100 units
2 . Click the icon symbol image for OFFSET , or type in the
   command prompt window OFFSET In the command window will

icon symbol offset

be written in the Specify offset distance or [ Through / Erase / Layer
  ] <Through> : give the desired value as the example I gave a value
   of 100 then press enter or click right mouse button
3 . At the time in the command prompt window tertulid Select object
   to offset or [ Exit / Undo ] <Exit> : then click on the line that will
   be in use as a base to offset , then take cross hair to the right and
  then press enter or click the right mouse button , offset lines will
  form on the right side with a length of 100

command text window in Auto Cad

Command : _offset
Current settings: Erase source = No Layer = Source OFFSETGAPTYPE = 0
Specify offset distance or [ Through / Erase / Layer ] <Through> : 100

Select object to offset or [ Exit / Undo ] <Exit> :
Specify point on side to offset or [ Exit / Multiple / Undo ] <Exit> :
Select object to offset or [ Exit / Undo ] <Exit> :
Specify point on side to offset or [ Exit / Multiple / Undo ] <Exit> :
Select object to offset or [ Exit / Undo ] <Exit> :

Command : ' _textscr

Sunday, September 29, 2013

LINES TO MAKE USING AUTO CAD CORNER coordinates to Cartesian By BUDI Maryanto

One way to make a line to draw with AUTO CAD program is to use Cartesian coordinates angle . Cartesian angle is the angle formed by the horizontal and perpendicular lines
where for a formula in AUTO CAD is
line image = ( X , Y )
where X = is the point coordinates for the X axis ( in this case , usually horizontal )
                Y = is the point coordinates for Y axis ( in this case , generally perpendicular lines )

By providing value Cartesian coordinates of the axis angle X and Y axis , so that will form a line , if these lines will form a plug in the wake of geometric , such as squares, triangles , and others.
It is as fundamental in AUTO CAD drawing using Cartesian coordinates of the corner .
One advantage of using the Cartesian coordinates of a corner in the form of line drawings making will be faster , when compared with using the polar angle .
This is caused in the command line corner Cartesian coordinates shorter , just enter the value of the X axis and Y axis values ​​, which are separated by commas .

as an example
When we will draw the shape to a square box with four sides is 100 units ( in this case could mean centi- meter unit , or milli meters or other unit of length )
Then the way is :
1 . In the command window type the line , then place the cross hair on AUTO CAD drawing work area , then press enter
2 . Put the value 0 on the X axis and 0 on the Y axis , ie, by typing at the command prompt 0.0 Specify next point or [ Undo ] :
This means that we have determined the point 0 on both axes will be made in the first point to make the line
3 . Put a value of 100 on the X axis and 0 on the Y axis , ie, by typing at the command prompt 100,0 Specify next point or [ Undo ] :
This means we will make a horizontal line to the right with a length of 100
4 . Put the value 0 on the X axis , and 100 on the Y axis , ie, with 0,100 on the command prompt type the Specify next point or [ Undo ] :
This means we will make a straight line k bear up with a length of 100
5 . Put the value of -100 on the X axis and 0 on the Y axis , ie, by typing at the command prompt ---- 100,0 Specify next point or [ Undo ] :
This means we will make a horizontal line to the left , with a length of 100
6 . Put the value 0 on the X axis , and - 100 on the Y axis , ie, by typing
0 , -100 at the command prompt Specify next point or [ Undo ] :
This means we will make a perpendicular line down the length of 100

FIGURE Box squares , which are formed from the lines by using the Cartesian coordinates of the corner

AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk , Inc. .
; Error : bad character read ( octal ) : 0
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded . ; Error : bad character read ( octal ) : 0
Command : commandline
Command : line
Specify first point :
Specify next point or [ Undo ] : @ 0,0
Zero length line created at (1372.7947 , 1228.7788 , 0.0000 )
Specify next point or [ Undo ] : @ 100,0
Specify next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @ 0,100
Specify next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @ -100.0
Specify next point or [ Close / Undo ] : @ 0 , -100

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


According to the meaning of the words , there are two kinds of spiral springs . In terms of Figure Mechanical Engineering expertise often times people use a rotation of sorts that ends in - line screw .

It is also called spring screws . Spring - spiral , in which all the spins lie in the field , is widely used in a watch factory .

Divide people into two kinds of springs , namely
a. tensile springs and
b . spring press .

Shapes and sizes spring springs often found on how to use his ¬ and , given the measures that need to be
Sometimes all sizes and clues collected into one list , which is placed next to a spring.

Lo = length of which is not withdrawn , the length of the spring in a state , where
           no external power to work .
 D = diameter round is
. d = is thick whorls .

To draw a 3 -dimensional spring in AUTO CAD Program primarily on AUTO CAD version 2007 and above there are two steps that must be done

In the first step aims to form a helix , which became the basis of the spring
1 . Type the helix in the command window ,
2 . Determine the center point of the spring by clicking on the cross hair in the work area AUTO CAD
3 . Determining the value of the diameter or radius in the upper surface of the spring as an example in this case 150 units 1 unit = 1 mm
4 . Determining the value of the diameter or radius of the surface of the spring at the bottom as an example in this case 150 units 1 unit = 1 mm
5 . In the command window in the Option Specify helix height or [ Axis endpoint / Turns / turn Height / Twist ] < 250.0000 > : turn , turn type or value type T and then enter the number of whorls as my example input value and then enter 10

6 . In the command window in the Option Specify helix height or [ Axis endpoint / Turns / turn Height / Twist ] < 250.0000 > : Enter the numbers as high as an example of whorls I and enter the input value of 250

helix model image as the basis for drawing spring

Below is the window is AUTO CAD Text

Customization file loaded successfully . Customization Group : EXPRESS
Regenerating the model .

AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk , Inc. .
; Error : bad character read ( octal ) : 0

AutoCAD menu utilities loaded . ; Error : bad character read ( octal ) : 0

Command : commandline

Command : helix

Number of turns = 3.0000 Twist = CCW
Specify center point of base :
Specify base radius or [ Diameter ] < 1.0000 > : r

Point or option keyword required .

Specify base radius or [ Diameter ] < 1.0000 > : 150

Specify top radius or [ Diameter ] < 150.0000 > : 150

Specify helix height or [ Axis endpoint / Turns / turn Height / Twist ] < 1.0000 > : TURN

Enter number of turns < 3.0000 > : 10

Specify helix height or [ Axis endpoint / Turns / turn Height / Twist ] < 1.0000 > : 250

command :
command :
Command : _ - view Enter an option
[ ? / Delete / Orthographic / Restore / Save / Settings / Window ] : Regenerating _swiso models .

The second step
In the second step aims to thicken thread
The trick is
1 . Move the view to isometris ,  click view on the standard tool bar , click on the sub 3Dview standard tool bar click SE isometris
2 . UCS at the command window and then click enter, the option Specify origin of UCS or [ Face / named / object / Previous / View / World / X / Y / Z / Zaxis ]
3 . <World> : Type the letter Y then enter, the option Specify rotation angle about Y axis < 90 > : click enter
4 . Make a circle with a radius of 12
5 . Move and stick it on the end of the spring
6 . SWEEP Type in the option Select objects to sweep : click on the circle
7 . the option Select sweep path or [ Alignment / Base point / Scale / Twist ] : click on the screw on the spring

spring picture in 3 dimensions

Below is the window AUTO CAD Text is :

Command : UCS

Current ucs name : * WORLD *
Specify origin of UCS or [ Face / named / object / Previous / View / World / X / Y / Z / Zaxis ]
<World> : Y

Specify rotation angle about Y axis < 90 > :

command :
command :
Command : _circle Specify center point for circle or [ 3P/2P/Ttr ( tan tan
radius ) ] :
Specify radius of circle or [ Diameter ] < 209.5667 > : 12

Command : SWEEP

Current wire frame density : ISOLINES = 4
Select objects to sweep : 1 found

Select objects to sweep :

Select sweep path or [ Alignment / Base point / Scale / Twist ] :

command :
command :
Command : _vscurrent
Enter an option [ 2dwireframe/3dwireframe/3dHidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Other ]
< 2dwireframe > : _c
Command : ' _textscr

Monday, September 23, 2013


Picture Terraced Chakra

Work multilevel disc image, in the image using Catia V5 R12 progam

Initial setting ON USE AUTOCAD program BY : Budi MARYANTO,ST

Initial setting when we draw it using AUTO CAD is a very important thing . By doing initial settings will affect the efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks AUTO CAD drawing program . With a good initial setting will be able to increase productivity in the drawing .

In my opinion and my views are based on experience in using the program AUTO CAD for engineering drawing . The definition of the initial setting is what we should do in preparation for when we start drawing techniques using the program AUTO CAD engine . There are five ( 5 ) initial setting that I often do :
 The initial setting include :

a. Setting the work area display AUTO CAD program , by default work area is black AUTO CAD program , then we should change it to be my favorite color . That way I can be more comfortable in work using AUTO CAD program

 Picture a place to display setting on AUTO CAD work area

b . Layout settings tool bar fly , by setting layout tool bar kite properly can save time , when I operate the program AUTO CAD . The trick is to select the tool bar kite that we often use , to the tool bar kite that has been used , I would suggest to put the right of the work area AUTO CAD program . This is due to the mouse position to the right of the tool bar near the overpass that has been used . It's for those who are right-handed , left-handed if that could be done instead

c . LIMITS set ; Limits are limits workspace image on AUTO CAD program stated in 1 unit . 1 This unit can represent 1 mm , as well as to the other units of length

d . Creating Layers ; makes layers aimed at managing and controlling image in an image with AUTO CAD program . With the management and control layers are good and true , we can enable and disable images in AUTO CAD program . This will help us in preparing systematic picture in AUTO CAD program

Picture examples of the use of AUTO LIST Program , the Program AUTO CAD , for the number of arithmetic multiplication

e . Preparing pengguanaan LIST AUTO program for arithmetic calculations , in order to access to the program in AUTO CAD . With the help of AUTO LIST program will be very helpful when I was dealing with calculations on the working drawings , which can be accessed LIST AUTO program in AUTO CAD program so I can call through the command window in AUTO CAD program . From the command window here I am doing arithmetic operations , namely multiplication , division , subtraction and addition

Friday, September 20, 2013


IMAGES OF gears involut Wellman By calculation: Number of teeth (N) = 20 teeth press angle = 14.5 degrees
FIGURE 3 DIMENSIONAL gears involut Wellman

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Welding is to connect two pieces of metal by the hot melt material added. Welding is one way to get a connection permanen.Las also widely used in the manufacture of machines or structures that were previously made ​​by casting or forging. Welding is one of the few mechanical process that adds material to the workpiece. Welding symbols on engineering drawings provide clear instructions for welding expert in doing welding. Location of components in the welding shall be clearly identified by means of welding symbols. CAD libraries can simplify the process of drawing. To simplify how the placement of a complete welding information, a system of symbols has been developed by AWS welding (American Welding Society), published in 1947 under the title, "Standard Welding Symbols". This symbol was taken over by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and is now published as ANSI / AWS A.1.1 - 1989
Welding symbols picture for the location of elements of the standard welding A special diagram welding is an image pair consisting of a number of components that are combined together as one unit. Welding on the working drawings are not drawn, but it is shown by clear and complete welding symbols. Given the size of the component to provide the amount of information that will be used. Connections as indicated in shape before welding.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Surface roughness is basically a field experiencing workpiece machining process that aims to form a desired shape. For each workpiece machining experience will be undertaken with the engine operation will leave a mark certain roughness, such as smooth, rough, or shiny. Engine operation on the workpiece surface will determine the state of the surface at a certain level. For states in the field of surface roughness of the workpiece according to ISO 1302 - 1978, in conjunction with the stated level of surface roughness symbol of the letter N followed by a number of the most delicate to the number twelve of the most rugged. To determine the level of surface roughness on the working drawings are drawn with AUTO CAD or manual, it is necessary to consider the operation of the machine which used to form the workpiece. The table below stated levels of surface roughness is expressed with the symbol of the letter N followed by a number of the most delicate to the number twelve of the most rugged machine followed by surgery.
By reading the table it can be determined with a surface roughness levels accompanying engine operation. So that planners can determine the value of a product selling goods, both finished and semi-finished goods.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Surface roughness CONFIGURATION SYMBOL BY ISO 1302 - 1978 By Budi Maryanto , ST

A.  PURPOSE surface roughness CONFIGURATION SYMBOL BY ISO 1302-1978

The purpose of surface roughness symbol configuration according to ISO 1302 - 1978 in the working drawings, is to declare
1. the level of surface roughness, in states with a level surface with a 
    roughness value of N 1 to N 12
2. direction of former penggerjaan as a result of the production 
   process on the workpiece, denoted by the symbol towards the 
   former work
3. coating on the workpiece as the end result of a product that aims to
   increase the added value of an existing product, is expressed by writing the type of coating, or production processes used
Configuration of the surface roughness symbol

Given the configuration of the surface roughness symbol on the working drawings are forwarded to the production process can determine the selling price of a product, thus increasing the company's profit after the cost of doing the calculation on the entire production process.
  Giving Coat surface roughness configuration according to ISO 1302 - 1978 in the working drawings, can provide clear guidance directed, and coordinated well on the production process, at the time of the end of a product.


AUTO CAD program one of the program that is used for drawing techniques provide an important role in the provision symbol penyeleseian configuration problem of surface roughness.
By drawing the symbol configuration complete surface roughness as a whole, and then store it in the template in AUTO CAD Program, and call him back when we drew with AUTO CAD Program by:

1. click the INSERT
3. Select the configuration Coat surface roughness in accordance with the working drawings.
This can save time when we draw with AUTO CAD.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Figure Conney Pulley By Budi Maryanto, ST

Conney working drawings Pulley

Conney Pulley 3-dimensional image, drawn with Inventory version 4


  The table below presents the types of geometric character which can be controlled by the geometric tolerance symbols for use on drawings.

Geometric Tolerances Table image

In the geometric tolerance that show the diversity of shape, location, and position, often required other geometric elements in the same component as the basic element. Based on the basic elements of the relationship specified geometric tolerance, the tolerance of such a good, tolerance profile, orientation tolerance, where tolerance, and tolerance spinning.


To differentiate with other symbols, geometric tolerance symbols shown with the following conditions:

Working drawings hub , in Auto CAD drawings in attaching symbols and geometric tolerances


Symbol of tolerance and requirements in writing at the geometric tolerance box is divided into two or more, the use of AUTO CAD program can help in making geometric tolerance box by way of:

1. Click on the tool bar Dimension AUTO CAD standards
2. Click on a sub section of Tolerance Dimension
3. In the Geometric Tolerance dialog box click on the symbol and its geometric tolerance of the desired geometric tolerances
4. Click OK and place the geometric tolerance symbol in AUTO CAD drawing work area

Hub in the 3 -dimensional images , drawn using the program Inventory version 4


Geometric tolerance box is connected with a given tolerance of geometric elements with lines pointing the tip of the arrow must be attached. use of AUTO CAD program can assist in the appointment of elements given by the geometric tolerances:

1. Click on the tool bar Dimension AUTO CAD standards
2. Click on a sub section of the Leader Dimension
3. After that place the appointment of geometric tolerances given element by clicking on a given field of geometric tolerance point for the geometric tolerance towards the box

Monday, September 2, 2013

Working drawings welding Tank Reservoir by Budi Maryanto, ST

Working drawings welding Tank Reservoir

Reservoir tank welding pieces image

Reservoir tank welding image