Thursday, August 29, 2013

The AutoCAD Mechanical Advantage

To compete and win in today’s design market, mechanical engineers
need to create and revise mechanical designs faster than ever before.
AutoCAD® Mechanical software, a purpose-built design application,
saves countless hours of design and rework by automating common
tasks. As a result, designers gain a competitive edge and can spend
their time innovating rather than struggling with workfl ow issues
caused by generic design applications. Sharing design information
accurately and effi ciently with team members, customers, and
suppliers is also a key part of getting designs to the manufacturing
fl oor. AutoCAD Mechanical is based on the AutoCAD® platform—the
world’s best-selling design application—and uses the native DWG
format, providing access to the largest design community worldwide.

2D Mechanical Structure

With mechanical structure, you work more intuitively and effi ciently in a design environment
that enables you to easily express and revise design intent.

Increase Your Productivity

When creating mechanical designs, using
software not specifi cally developed for
mechanical engineers often requires spending
valuable time on manual workarounds to get
the job done. Since AutoCAD Mechanical is
built for mechanical designers, it improves
the design experience by simplifying complex
mechanical design work. Designers can easily
express, revise, and reuse their designs because
intelligent parts and assemblies are used to
document designs instead of lines, arcs, and
circles. In addition, a complete set of drafting
tools can automatically dimension an entire part
and instantly arrange a design with accurate
spacing and scale. And with the automation
of many common tasks, designers are able to
boost their productivity and reduce the hours of
rework caused by design changes.

Reduce Errors and

When designers create mechanical drawings
using generic applications, errors and design
inconsistencies can be easily introduced, wasting
time and money. AutoCAD Mechanical provides
support for local and international drafting
standards and includes an immense library of
standard content, enabling users to produce
consistent drawings that are easy to understand.
As an integral part of the Autodesk® solution
for manufacturing, AutoCAD Mechanical allows
detailers to natively and associatively document
3D parts and assemblies from Autodesk
Inventor® software. This associative workfl ow
automatically synchronizes drawings with the 3D
model, which reduces errors and inconsistencies
and saves hours of rework. Clear and consistent
communication in the design and documentation
process helps companies avoid delays and errors
on the shop fl oor, keeping your company ahead
of the competition.

Streamline Design Tasks

Once a design is complete, it is important to
share accurate design and part information
with the teams responsible for ordering and
manufacturing the product. Using generic
software for these tasks often means creating
critical parts lists and bills of materials (BOMs)
by hand. And, even with the smallest design
change, manual methods can introduce
critical errors, resulting in delivery delays to
the customer. To help your company prevent
errors and costly delays, AutoCAD Mechanical
provides a BOM that is integrated within the
normal design workfl ow, so that parts lists and
BOMs contain correct part information and
all information is updated immediately when
a design change occurs. Accurate data enables
designers to work more effi ciently with other
departments and suppliers.
A Practical

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